Lehrstuhl für Elektromobilität und Energiespeichersysteme



H. Fechtner
Fahrzeugmasseüberwachung mittels intelligentem Reifendruckkontrollsystem im Kontext der Reichweitenproblematik von Elektrofahrzeugen
Wuppertaler Schriftenreihe zu Elektromobilität und Energiespeichersystemen
Band 1, Shaker Verlag Aachen, ISBN: 978-3-8440-662-5, April 2019
Verfügbar unter: www.shaker.de


H. Fechnter, B. Schmülling
DE 102016010792.8: Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Ermittlung einer Fahrzeugmasse
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

Veröffentlichungen in internationalen Journalen und Konferenzen

Spaeth, U.; Popp, A.; Fechtner, H.; Schmuelling, B.
Dynamic Vehicle Mass Estimation of Aticulated Battery Trolleybuses for Integration in a Smart Trolley Grid
IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo 2024 (iTEC),
Juni 2024
Spaeth, U.; Popp, A.; Fechtner, H.; Cichon, A.; Schmuelling, B.
Self-consumption Optimization of Balcony Solar Systems Using a Load-controlled Battery Storage
2023 10th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE),
November 2023
Popp, A.; Fechtner, H.; Scholz, T.; Kremzow-Tennie, S.; Pautzke, F.; Schmuelling, B.
Challenges in the Real-World Evaluation of Traction Batteries at the End of their First Life
33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023),
September 2023
Weisbach, M.; Fechtner, H.; Spaeth, U.; Popp, A.; Schmuelling, B.
Intelligent Multi-Vehicle DC/DC Charging using an Active Response Management (ARM)
2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC),
Juli 2023
Weisbach, M.; Herklotz, K.; Fechtner, H.; Spaeth, U.; Gipp, Bela; Schmuelling, B.
Predicting Power Demand in Urban Transportation Systems using an Evolutionary Neural Network
2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC),
Anaheim, CA, USA
Juni 2022
Kremzow-Tennie, S.; Scholz, T.; Pautzke, F.; Popp, A.; Fechtner, H.; Schmuelling, B.
A Comprehensive Overview of the Impacting Factors on a Lithium-Ion-Battery's Overall Efficiency
Power Electronics and Drives, 7 (42)
Februar 2022
Scholz, T.; Kremzow-Tennie, S.; Fechtner, H.; Popp, A.; Pautzke, F.; Schmuelling, B.
Analysis of Cell-to-Cell Variation in a Battery Pack after long Service Life Using Parameter Identification
IEEE 4th International Conference on Power and Energy Applications (ICPEA 2021),
Busan, Korea
Dezember 2021
Popp, A.; Fechtner, H.; Scholz, T.; Kremzow-Tennie, S.; Pautzke, F.; Schmuelling, B.
Battery Management Systems Topologies: Applications
4th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Applications (ICPEA 2021) - Best Presentation Award,
Dezember 2021
Weisbach, M.; Schneider, T.; Maune, D.; Fechtner, H.; Spaeth, U.; Wegener, R.; Soter, S.; Schmuelling, B.
Intelligent Multi-Vehicle DC/DC Charging Station Powered by a Trolley Bus Catenary Grid
MDPI Energies, 14 (24) :8399
Dezember 2021
Spaeth, U.; Fechtner, H.; Weisbach, M.; Popp, A.; Schmuelling, B.
Passenger Weight Detection by Air Suspension Pressure Monitoring for Smart Grid Integration of Electric Buses
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2021),
November 2021
Guenther, L.; Scholz, T.; Pautzke, F.; Fechtner, H.; Schmuelling, B.; Schelte, N.; Severengiz, S.; Hinz, M.; Bracke, S.
Reliability engineering of electric vehicle powertrains: Data collection and analysis based on products in the usage phase
31th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021),
September 2021
Burkert, A.; Fechtner, H.; Schmuelling, B.
Interdisciplinary Analysis of Social Acceptance Regarding Electric Vehicles with a Focus on Charging Infrastructure and Driving Range in Germany
World Electric Vehicle Journal
Januar 2021
Weisbach, Michéle; Schneider, Tobias; Maune, Dominik; Fechtner, Heiko; Spaeth, Utz; Wegener, Ralf; Soter, Stefan; Schmuelling, Benedikt
Intelligent Multi-Vehicle DC/DC Charging Station Powered by a Trolley Bus Catenary Grid
Energies, 14 (24) :8399
Weisbach, M.; Fechtner, H.; Popp, A.; Spaeth, U.; Schmuelling, B.
Agriculture 4.0 - A state of the art review focused on electric mobility
Revista Ciência Agronômica, 51 (5)
Dezember 2020
Fechtner, H.; Stenner, M.; Schmuelling, B.
Empirical and iterative evaluation model for the development of e-learning content for freshmen of electrical engineering degree programs
IEEE Frontiers in Education 2020,
Oktober 2020
Spaeth, U.; Weisbach, M.; Fechtner, H.; Herklotz, K.; Troullier, C.; Schmuelling, B.
Mass Detection Using Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors to Optimize Range Prediction of Full Electric Buses
13th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2019),
Sydney, Australia
März 2020
Fechtner, H.; Spaeth, U.; Schmuelling, B.
Smart Tire Pressure Monitoring System with Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors and Bluetooth 5
IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors 2019 (ICWiSE 2019),
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Januar 2020
Fechtner, H.; Stenner, M.; Kliem, T.; Tschner, T.; Schuster, J.; Schmuelling, B.
Automatic Headlight Leveling System with a Modular Design for the Automotive Aftermarket
IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics 2019,
Januar 2020
Spaeth, U.; Fechtner, H.; Weisbach, M.; Schmuelling, B.
Potential of Pressure Sensor Based Mass Estimation Methods for Electric Buses
MDPI Electronics 2020, 9 (5) :711
Fechtner, H.; Schmuelling, B.
Improved Range Prediction for Electric Vehicles by a Smart Tire Pressure Monitoring System
IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2018),
März 2019
Welfens, P. J. J.; Yu, N.; Hanrahan, D.; Schmuelling, B.; Fechtner, H.
Electrical Bus Mobility in the EU and China: Technological, Ecological and Economic Policy Perspectives
EIIW Discussion Papers
Dezember 2018
Fechtner, H.; Ismail, M.; Braun, T.; Schmuelling, B.
Empirical study of training needs for different occupational groups in the context of the increasing spread of electric vehicles
IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE 2017),
Dezember 2017
Fechtner, H.; Saes, K.-H.; Ismail, M.; Schmuelling, B.
Evaluation and assessment of a novel training program for working on electric vehicles
IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE 2017),
Dezember 2017
Fechtner, H.; Schmuelling, B.
A new selection procedure for the optimal vehicle mass detection method depending on environmental parameters
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering,
Oktober 2017
Fechtner, H.; Schmuelling, B.
Survey of current vehicle mass estimators in the context of future mobility
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE 2017) - Best Presentation Award,
Oktober 2017