Lehrstuhl für Elektromobilität und Energiespeichersysteme


...mit internationalen Journalen mit Peer-Review, auf internationalen Konferenzen und in Fachzeitschriften

M. Tiemann, N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, A. David, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Evaluation of Magnetic Field Exposure in Wireless Charging Systems for Autonomous Shuttles: Simulation vs. Real-World Measurements" in 2024 Third International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART), (Best Paper Award), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 2024, pp. 1-6.
S. Qaadan, A. Alshare, A. Popp and B. Schmuelling, "Prediction of Lithium-Ion Battery Health Using GRU-BPP", Batteries, vol. 10, no. 11, Nov. 2024.
M. Tiemann, S. Qaadan and B. Schmuelling, "Challenges and Opportunities in Wireless Power Transfer for the Future Electromobility" in 2024 22nd International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Amman, Jordan, Sep. 2024, pp. 244-249.
S. Qaadan, M. Tiemann, A. Popp, A. Ahmed and B. Schmuelling, "Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Diagnostics and Life Cycle Assessment of Traction Batteries" in 2024 Third International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sep. 2024, pp. 1-8.
U. Spaeth, A. Popp, H. Fechtner and B. Schmuelling, "Dynamic Vehicle Mass Estimation of Aticulated Battery Trolleybuses for Integration in a Smart Trolley Grid" in IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo 2024 (iTEC), Jun. 2024.
A. Popp, U. Spaeth and B. Schmuelling, "Fast Screening and Sorting of Commercially Available Second-Life-Batteries from Former Mobility Applications for Construction of Small Energy Storage Systems" in IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo 2024 (iTEC), Jun. 2024.
U. Spaeth, A. Popp, H. Fechtner, A. Cichon and B. Schmuelling, "Self-consumption Optimization of Balcony Solar Systems Using a Load-controlled Battery Storage" in 2023 10th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE), Nov. 2023.
A. David, M. Tiemann, N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Electromagnetic Compatibility Evaluation of Wireless Charging Systems for Public Spaces: Wireless Power Transfer for Taxis", IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, pp. 2-10, Nov. 2023.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "GPU-accelerated body-internal electric field exposure simulation using low-frequency magnetic field sampling points", COMPEL: The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 982-992, Okt. 2023.
A. Popp, H. Fechtner, T. Scholz, S. Kremzow-Tennie, F. Pautzke and B. Schmuelling, "Challenges in the Real-World Evaluation of Traction Batteries at the End of their First Life" in 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023), Sep. 2023.
A. David, M. Tiemann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Magnetic Field Analysis of 50 kW Wireless Power Transfer System for Heavy Duty Vehicles", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Aug. 2023.
M. Weisbach, H. Fechtner, U. Spaeth, A. Popp and B. Schmuelling, "Intelligent Multi-Vehicle DC/DC Charging using an Active Response Management (ARM)" in 2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Jul. 2023.
M. Tiemann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Thermal Analysis for Foreign Objects in High-Power Wireless Power Transfer Systems", COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1185-1196, Jul. 2023.
M. Tiemann, M. Stein and B. Schmuelling, "Phase control for frequency adaptation in wireless power transfer systems for electric vehicles" in 11th International Conference on Power Electronics-ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023-ECCE Asia), Mai 2023, pp. 829-834.
M. Niessen, C. Fournier, C. P. Dick, V. Platte, M. Masset and B. Schmuelling, "Litz Wire Configurations for Charging Applications: A Field Study" in International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM Europe 2023), Mai 2023.
M. Niessen, G. Joentgen, C. P. Dick and B. Schmuelling, "Resonant, Bidirectional 22 kW DC-Stage for Chargers Using Quantum Control Featuring Load Independent ZVS Achieving 99,2 % eff.@ 5,7 kW/L" in International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM Europe 2023)), Mai 2023.
A. David, M. Tiemann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Magnetic Field Analysis of 50 kW Wireless Power Transfer System for Heavy Duty Vehicles" in IEEE 24th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMUPMAG 2023), Mai 2023.
A. David, S. Stroka, N. Haussmann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Nutzbarkeitsuntersuchung von Unterflurschränken bei induktiven Ladesystemen für Elektrofahrzeuge im urbanen Raum" in Towards the New Normal in Mobility, H. Proff, Eds. Springer Gabler, Mai 2023.

ISBN: 978-3-658-39438-7

A. David, S. Stroka, N. Haussmann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Überprüfung der elektromagnetischen Umweltverträglichkeit bei induktiver Ladung" in Induktive Taxiladung für den öffentlichen Raum - Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte, H. Proff, M. Clemens, P. J. Marrón und B. Schmülling, Eds. Berlin: Springer Verlag, Mai 2023.

ISBN: 978-3-658-39979-5

A. David, M. Tiemann, S. Stroka, N. Haussmann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Electromagnetic Compatibility Evaluation of Wireless Charging Systems for Public Spaces" in Second International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART 2022), Nov. 2022.
M. Tiemann, S. Qaadan, M. Stein and B. Schmuelling, "Predictive Modeling of Thermo-Temporal Characteristics in Wireless Power Transfer - A Statistical Study" in The 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Male, Malediven, Nov. 2022, pp. 1-6.
N. Haussmann, M. Zang, R. Mease, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "Magnetic dosimetry simulations of wireless power transfer systems with high resolution voxel models utilizing the co-simulation scalar potential finite difference scheme", International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Okt. 2022.
M. Tiemann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Thermal Analysis for Foreign Objects in High-Power Wireless Power Transfer Systems" in 18th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering (IGTE 2022), Graz, Austria, Sep. 2022.
A. David, S. Stroka, N. Haussmann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Nutzbarkeitsuntersuchung von Unterflurschränken bei induktiven Lade-systemen für Elektrofahrzeuge im urbanen Raum" in Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2022, Duisburg, Jun. 2022.
M. Weisbach, K. Herklotz, H. Fechtner, U. Spaeth, B. Gipp and B. Schmuelling, "Predicting Power Demand in Urban Transportation Systems using an Evolutionary Neural Network" in 2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Anaheim, CA, USA, Jun. 2022.


B. Schmülling
Elektromagnetische Linearführungen für Aufzugsysteme
Aachener Schriftenreihe zur Elektromagnetischen Energiewandlung
Band 8, Shaker Verlag Aachen, ISBN: 978-3-8322-8529-6, Oktober 2009
Verfügbar unter: www.shaker.de


H. Fechnter, B. Schmülling
DE 102016010792.8: Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Ermittlung einer Fahrzeugmasse
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

J. Meins, B. Schmülling, F. Turki, T. Vosshagen
WO 2013/000593 A1: Flachspule für kontaktlose induktive Energieübertragung
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum, 2013

B. Schmülling, F. Turki
DE 102011103318 A1: Induktives kontaktloses Energie- und Datenübertragungssystem
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, 2012
(siehe auch WO 2012/163565 A1, Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum, 2012)

M. Markmann, B. Schmülling, W. Stephan
EP 1859527 B1: Elektrisch Kommutierter Motor und Verfahren zu seiner Steuerung
Europäisches Patentamt, 2009



D. van Treek, B. Schmülling, M. Schöning, K. Hameyer, R. W. De Doncker, et al.
VDE-Studie Elektrofahrzeuge - Bedeutung, Stand der Technik, Handlungsbedarf
VDE ETG Taskforce Elektrofahrzeuge, 2010
Verfügbar unter: www.vde.de