EmoTal - User-Centered Electromobility Wuppertal

Project Duration:
August 2014 - January 2017
- University of Wuppertal
(Chair EES)
- RWTH Aachen
(Chair Operations Managment)
- TÜV NORD Bildung GmbH & Co. KG
- Schmitz Horn Treber GmbH
- City of Wuppertal
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly crucial for relieving the burden on infrastructure and the environment - however, there are still many deficits in the range of services for everyday use.
The joint project carried the objective of deriving, prototyping, and evaluating networked, regionally value-creating services through a user-centered behavior, use, and needs analyses of electric vehicle owners based on a "naturally" oriented fleet of electric vehicles.
The attractiveness of pedelecs and electric vehicles (EVs) is increased in the long term through a user-centric variety of applications. Based on a developed usage model and various analyses concentrating on the Bergisches Land, the project designs and realizes services focusing on e-fitness bikes, e-training and certification, and dynamic e-insurance.

Fig. 1: Aims of EmoTal