UniZuB - Universal condition estimator for high-voltage batteries based on the digital platform Battery Cloud
Project Duration:
November 2022 - October 2025
- University of Wuppertal
(Chair of EES)
- Neue Effizienz gemeinnützige GmbH
- University of Bochum
- Zweidenker GmbH
- AWG Wuppertal
Research Project
The primary objective of the "UniZuB" project is to develop, test, and optimize a software and hardware-based solution for the assessment of the State of Health (SOH) of high-voltage batteries. The solution combines computer simulations and field tests to ensure its efficacy and practicality.
The state estimator to be designed as part of the project will be developed in a collaborative and applied manner in partnership with key stakeholders from academia, industry, municipal operations, and other relevant fields over the course of three years. The industrial development effort will be supported by research contributions from three academic partners: the Chair of Electromobility and Energy Storage System, Neue Effizienz gGmbH, and the Institute for Electromobility at the Bochum University of Applied Sciences. The project will also benefit from the involvement of two strong industrial partners, AVL DiTEST GmbH, a developer of HV system measurement equipment, and Zweidenker GmbH, a specialist in cloud solutions among other areas. The project is also aligned with the interests of AWG Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft mbH Wuppertal, who require accurate knowledge of HV battery health status for informed "second-life vs. recycling" decisions at recycling plants. Moreover, the outcomes from UniZuB will provide valuable insights for the legally required condition reports of HV batteries before transport. With these factors in mind, the project aims to achieve the following objectives:
- The development of a fast, reliable, and adaptable analysis methodology for the estimation of the condition of high-voltage batteries
- The creation of a demonstration model for a universal, fast diagnostic device for the assessment of HV battery condition, including proof of concept
- The establishment of cloud-based solutions for the storage of laboratory, real-world, and workshop data
- The achievement of a sustainable value chain for HV batteries through circular economy principles
- The transfer of knowledge and technology related to the life cycle considerations of HV batteries to support informed decision-making for second-life or recycling options
- The creation of a uniform system for risk assessment in the transport of electric vehicles using tow trucks and in the recycling of batteries at car recycling companies

Fig. 1.: Presentation of the project idea in the context of the battery life cycle using the application example "Electric vehicle at the recycling company AWG: battery condition unknown".