Institute of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems

Electrical Engineering for Safety Technology and Mechanical Engineering

Lecture Content

  • Static electric and magnetic fields, induction
  • Electrical fundamental quantities: charge, current, voltage, energy, power, matter in the field
  • Basic components: resistor, coil, capacitor, and their characteristics, as well as examples of active components
  • Basic laws of direct current circuits and simple basic circuits (series circuit, parallel circuit, bridge circuit)
  • Alternating current, basic components and basic circuits in alternating current (impedance, complex representation), three-phase current
  • Direct current and three-phase machines: construction and operation, basic characteristics, drives

Further Information

Degree Programs: Bachelor Safety Engineering,
Bachelor Mechanical Engineering
Scope: For both degree programs, lectures with 4 contact hours per week (SWS), and for Mechanical Engineering, an additional practical training with 1 contact hour per week (SWS)
Turnus: Winter Semester
Start of Lecture: Thursday, 19.10.2023, 2:15 - 3:45 p.m.
HS 33
Time and Place of Lecture: Thursdays, 2:00 - 3:35 p.m.
HS 33
Start of Tutorial: 26.10.2023
Time and Place of Tutorial: Thursdays, 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.
HS 33
Repetitorium: tba
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Heiko Fechtner
Exam: tba (written)