Institute of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems

Complementary Skills

The "Complementary Skills" module consists of two components:


  1. Scientific Research and Presentation (4 CP)
    The Students must work on a topic based on the following criteria:
    - Literature research on the topic, and the corresponding areas,
    - Conception of the topic, research, structuring, and documentation,
    - Presentation of the topic in a lecture (25-30 min).
  2. Team Internship (4 CP)

    The team internship consists of a project work, which includes the following aspects:
    - analysis of the problem,
    - breakdown into sub-problems, and definition of interfaces,
    - planning, and organization,
    - realization,
    - documentation, and presentation of the results.

The Complementary Skills can be started at any time. All topics and tasks of our bachelor's and master's theses are eligible for the Complementary Skills module. For more information, please contact the research assistants.

Information about "Complementary Skills"

With regard to the current situation and according to the Central Examination Office, it is also possible to complete this module alone, i.e. to work on an assignment by oneself.