Bachelor & Master Theses
The Chair for Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems offers theses in the following topics:
- Inductive charging systems for electric vehicles,
- Electrical energy storage and energy storage systems,
- Electric drives for electric and hybrid vehicles,
- Vehicle mass detection (passenger car and bus; static and dynamic),
- Range prediction for electric vehicles (passenger cars and buses),
- Business models for electric mobility, intermodal mobility,
- Drive systems for pedelecs,
- Potential analyses for increasing flexibility (traffic and supply),
- Concept development for electric/overhead line vehicles,
- Development of charging scenarios through overhead line supply,
- Qualification measures for the automotive industry,
- Data protection in handling personal vehicle information,
- Other topics on request.
The topics currently advertised for Bachelor's and Master's theses can also be worked on individually or as a team in the "Complementary Skills" module.
If you are interested, please contact the respective supervisor!
Current Topics for Theses
The list of current topics for theses or complementary skills with the respective contact persons can be found here.
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