Institute of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems


U. Spaeth, A. Popp, H. Fechtner and B. Schmuelling, "Dynamic Vehicle Mass Estimation of Aticulated Battery Trolleybuses for Integration in a Smart Trolley Grid" in IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo 2024 (iTEC), Jun. 2024.
A. Popp, U. Spaeth and B. Schmuelling, "Fast Screening and Sorting of Commercially Available Second-Life-Batteries from Former Mobility Applications for Construction of Small Energy Storage Systems" in IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo 2024 (iTEC), Jun. 2024.
U. Spaeth, A. Popp, H. Fechtner, A. Cichon and B. Schmuelling, "Self-consumption Optimization of Balcony Solar Systems Using a Load-controlled Battery Storage" in 2023 10th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE), Nov. 2023.
M. Weisbach, H. Fechtner, U. Spaeth, A. Popp and B. Schmuelling, "Intelligent Multi-Vehicle DC/DC Charging using an Active Response Management (ARM)" in 2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Jul. 2023.
M. Weisbach, K. Herklotz, H. Fechtner, U. Spaeth, B. Gipp and B. Schmuelling, "Predicting Power Demand in Urban Transportation Systems using an Evolutionary Neural Network" in 2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Anaheim, CA, USA, Jun. 2022.
M. Weisbach, T. Schneider, D. Maune, H. Fechtner, U. Spaeth, R. Wegener, S. Soter and B. Schmuelling, "Intelligent Multi-Vehicle DC/DC Charging Station Powered by a Trolley Bus Catenary Grid", MDPI Energies, vol. 14, no. 24, pp. 8399, Dec. 2021.
U. Spaeth, H. Fechtner, M. Weisbach, A. Popp and B. Schmuelling, "Passenger Weight Detection by Air Suspension Pressure Monitoring for Smart Grid Integration of Electric Buses" in IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2021), Nov. 2021.
M. Weisbach, H. Fechtner, A. Popp, U. Spaeth and B. Schmuelling, "Agriculture 4.0 - A state of the art review focused on electric mobility", Revista Ciência Agronômica, vol. 51, no. 5, Dec. 2020.
M. Weisbach, U. Spaeth, M. Ghobadi and B. Schmuelling, "Power Demand Prediction of Battery Overhead Line Buses Based on a Neural Network Optimization" in IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech 2020), Oklahoma City, USA, Dec. 2020.
M. Weisbach, U. Spaeth, B. Schmuelling and C. Troullier, "Flexible EV Charging Strategy for a DC Catenary Grid" in Fifteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), Monte-Carlo, Monaco, Nov. 2020.
U. Spaeth, M. Weisbach, H. Fechtner, K. Herklotz, C. Troullier and B. Schmuelling, "Mass Detection Using Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors to Optimize Range Prediction of Full Electric Buses" in 13th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2019), Sydney, Australia, Mar. 2020.
H. Fechtner, U. Spaeth and B. Schmuelling, "Smart Tire Pressure Monitoring System with Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors and Bluetooth 5" in IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors 2019 (ICWiSE 2019), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, Jan. 2020.
U. Spaeth, H. Fechtner, M. Weisbach and B. Schmuelling, "Potential of Pressure Sensor Based Mass Estimation Methods for Electric Buses", MDPI Electronics 2020, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 711, 2020.
M. Weisbach, U. Spaeth and B. Schmuelling, "Energy Consumption Behavior Model for an Urban Transportation System Using Multidimensional Correlation Structures: Applied at the Trolley Bus System in Solingen" in 4th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE 2019), Singapore, Oct. 2019.
H. Fechtner, U. Spaeth, E. Patelkos and B. Schmuelling, "Optimisation of driver and driving assistance systems of electric vehicles by a static vehicle mass estimation" in 6th Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference (HEVC 2016), Mar. 2017.
D. Echterhoff, N. Cramer, U. Spaeth and B. Schmuelling, "Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Test eines mikrocontrollerunterstützten skalierbaren Batterie-Management-Systems" in VDE- Kongress 2014 - Smart Cities - Intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland, Oct. 2014.