Institute of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems


Congratulations on the Publication of the Dissertation

29.05.2023|15:00 Uhr

Anyone, who has invested the patience and time, as well as years of work, to write a doctoral thesis still has to clear one last hurdle. Publishing a…

Congratulations on the Publication of the Dissertation

Publication of the Book on the Project TALAKO

29.05.2023|12:07 Uhr

The market ramp-up of electromobility has been hampered by the lack of charging infrastructure for individual applications so far. In particular,…

Publication of the Book on the Project TALAKO

Congratulations on the Successful Disputation

19.05.2023|13:00 Uhr

We are happy to announce that Myrel Tiemann has successfully defended her dissertation on wednesday, May 17, 2023.
Congratulations on the Successful Disputation

Electrotechnical Colloquium

13.03.2023|14:00 Uhr

School of Electrical Engineering, Information and Media Engineering invites you to attend the following lecture event followed by a discussion:
Electrotechnical Colloquium

Colloquia "Bachelor Theses"

01.03.2023|11:54 Uhr

On Wednesnay, Mar. 08, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in Room FG.01.01 will be presentations on two bachelor theses:

  • Mr. Schwierz, "Messdatenauswertung von…

Colloquia "Bachelor Theses"


22.02.2023|18:48 Uhr

The pre-registration for Introduction to MATLAB/Simulink for Electrical Power Engineering is open.
Due to the limited number of possible participants,…



07.02.2023|11:46 Uhr

The Chair of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems is now on Instagram unter @ees_wuppertal.

Topics for Theses

04.01.2023|16:00 Uhr

New topics for theses (Bachelor & Master) are online.
Topics for Theses

Job ad

02.01.2023|12:00 Uhr

For more information on the new job, click here.

Job ad

Happy New Year

01.01.2023|12:00 Uhr

The EES team wishes you a successful as well as healthy new year 2023!

Happy New Year