Institute of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems


Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium

01.07.2024|20:51 Uhr

Das nächste Elektrotechnische Kolloquium findet am 10.07.2024 um 14:00 Uhr in hybrider Form statt. Präsenz im Seminarraum FG 01.01 und virtuell per…
Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium

Job ad

01.12.2023|12:00 Uhr

For more information on the new job, click here.

Job ad

Electrical Engineering Colloquium

01.12.2023|12:00 Uhr

On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 12 o'clock in Lecture Hall FH 2, Prof. Dr. hab. Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk from the Gdansk University of Technology…

Electrical Engineering Colloquium

Commencement of the new research project BaSoBa

20.11.2023|12:00 Uhr

Start-up Transfer.NRW: State and EU support 14 start-ups from universities with around 3.6 million euros.

In the first competition round of the…

Commencement of the new research project BaSoBa

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Congratulations on the Successful Disputation

15.11.2023|18:00 Uhr

We are happy to announce that Michéle Weisbach has successfully defended his dissertation on wednesday, November 15, 2023.
Congratulations on the Successful Disputation

Congratulations on the Publication of the Dissertation

27.10.2023|15:00 Uhr

Anyone, who has invested the patience and time, as well as years of work, to write a doctoral thesis still has to clear one last hurdle. Publishing a…

Congratulations on the Publication of the Dissertation

Welcome to the EES Institute

27.10.2023|14:41 Uhr

Our department is now strengthened by an additional research staff member, Mr. Tekaya, in the field of electrochemical battery energy storage systems.

Welcome to the EES Institute

Self-driving buses: 'Working intensively on MILAS'

17.07.2023|10:20 Uhr

Stop-and-go instead of free ride: The self-driving buses were supposed to be operating within the scope of the MILAS research project between the…

Self-driving buses: 'Working intensively on MILAS'

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Thesis at Schüco Company

04.07.2023|09:30 Uhr

The company Schüco and the Chair of EES are offering a thesis on the topic "Electromagnetic Levitation - Construction and Commissioning of a Prototype…

Thesis at Schüco Company