Institute of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems

Battery Laboratory

with module tester, cell tester, BMS tester, and temperature cycling cabinets.

Module Tester

Keysight SL1001A

Temperature Cycling Cabinets

Binder MK/20

Cell Contact System

Voltavision KS-600-14C

Cell Contact System

Voltavision KSR-150

Battery Laboratory

The transformation of transport and energy is gaining increasing momentum causing significant challenges for politics, industry, and society. The expansion of the application of renewable energie sources necessicate technological solutions to stabilize the energy supply grid. Moreover, the number of mobile electric appliances is steadily increasing, rendering having reliable battery storage systems crucial. 

The battery laboratory of the chair of Electromobility and Energy Storage Systems, which will be put into operation in 2022, offers the opportunity for in-depth research into scientific issues arising from the related challenges mentioned earlier.  For this purpose, the chair has various testers and temperature cycling cabinets at its disposal that enable battery research at both cell and module levels and allows for running different battery management systems (BMS) tests.

Module Tester (Keysight SL1001A)

Number of Channel 4
I per Channel ± 300 A
U per Channel 5-90 V
P per Channel ± 24 kW
Current Accuracy ± 0.05 % (± 60 mA)
Voltage Accuracy ± 0.05 % (± 18 mV)
Temperature Channel 3x PT 100
per measuring channel
Further Electrochemical

Cell Tester (Keysight SL1007A)

Number of Channel 16
I per Channel ± 25 A
U per Channel 0-6 V
P per Channel ± 150 W
Current Accuracy ± 0.05 % (± 2.5 mA)
Voltage Accuracy ± 1 mV
Temperature Channel 1x PT 1000
per measuring channel
Further Electrochemical

BMS Tester (Keysight SL1010A)

Number of Channel 32
I per Channel ± 5 A
U per Channel 8 V
P per Channel 40 W
Further Electrochemical

Temperature Cycling Cabinet (Binder MK720)

Temperature Range -40 to +180°C
Further 2 independent over-temperature limiter
Heated stainless steel overpressure flap
Door safety device with reinforced clamps on the closing side
Inert gas connection for on-site gas connection/nitrogen purging

Temperature Cycling Cabinet (Binder MK115)

Temperature Range -40 to +180°C
Further 2 independent over-temperature limiter
Heated stainless steel overpressure flap
Door safety device with reinforced clamps on the closing side
Inert gas connection for on-site gas connection/nitrogen purging

Cell Contact System (Voltavision KS-600-14C)

Number of Channel 14
Current up to 600 A
Further Fast and reproducible contacting of prismatic and pouch cells
Prismatic Cells according to DIN 91252:2016-11: HEV1, PHEV2, HEV1, HEV2, BEV1 bis BEV4
Pouch Cells according to DIN 91252:2016-11:

Cell Contact System (Voltavision KSR-150)

Number of Channel 2 x 8 channels
Current up to 150 A
Further Fast and reproducible contacting of cylindrical cells
  Suitable for a wide range of diameters
  Usable under highest stresses and test conditions

The battery laboratory was financed with funding from the program "Major Equipment of the Federal States".