Institute of Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems

Research Areas

EES institute focuses on the technical challenges that arise in the development and production of electrically or partially electrically operated vehicles as well as in the development and operation of energy storage systems:

  • Electrotechnical and interdisciplinary issues related to electric mobility (electric cars, hybrid vehicles, pedelecs/e-bikes, electric scooters, electric motorcycles, other electric or partially electric vehicles.)
  • Electrotechnical and interdisciplinary issues relating to energy storage systems
  • Battery systems,
  • New drive concepts,
  • Electric drives and drive topologies,
  • Development and optimization of on-board components as well as systems for motor vehicles,
  • Conductive and wireless charging technologies,
  • Infrastructure for electromobility, energy-efficient systems in motor vehicles and mobility concepts.

Electric cars are currently experiencing an immense surge in development and will account for a large share of individual and public transport in the future. Automobile manufacturers and the supplier industry are facing a significant paradigm shift. Potential new markets are opening up for companies that have not previously been represented in the automotive sector.
Established automotive suppliers must adapt to new, previously unknown technical challenges in order to remain competitive in the market.
The chair focuses precisely on these interrelationships to shape the electromobile and sustainable future together with industry and other partners.

On the following, you can find detailed descriptions of the research projects and the laboratories of the Institute EES: